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Same day grocery delivery

Delivered to your doorstep

Enter your postcode to check if we deliver in your area

Then, choose a delivery option

Food Delivery Near Me

Snacks, drinks, sweets, household essentials or 1,000 other products. Delivered to your door when you want it - same day or within 90 minutes.

Order from Beelivery and we notify the closest of thousands of drivers. We crowd source a delivery driver that's available and nearby to become a personal shopper and delivery driver in one.

Get what you want without leaving the comfort of your home.

Same day grocery delivery in my area from local shops.

More than just fruit and veg

Beelivery delivers so much more than just fruit and veg.

We have a range of different products so you can have a supermarket style experience and get all your weekly groceries delivered to your door.

Order all your groceries including:
wine, beer, pet food, vegetables, fruit, flowers, chocolate, cakes, fish, meat, bread, veg boxes, meat boxes, alcohol, jam, cheeses, herbs & much more.

Grocery delivery near me!